Tuesday, March 2, 2010


She may be taking this bubble "gun" thing too seriously. Look at that face! This girl has got some kind of vengeance on her mind.
I love that every once in a while it's warm enough to send the kids out these days. We're going a little stir crazy. We're all big fans of bubbles around here. It's rare that we actually have bubbles, though, because every time we get a bottle out somebody manages to spill the whole thing. Tanner and Natalie had a fun afternoon a couple weeks ago with their bubbles toys. Sydney was at school or playing at a friend's house or something so it was just the 2 of them.

I don't know what Tanner's looking at here. Probably bubbles! Isn't he a cutie?

They've been playing really well together lately. But, sometimes they have these fights that I think are pretty funny. The other day it went something like this.
Tanner (talking to me): Nanny's a eepah.
Natalie (clearly offended): A eepah? No I not a eepah!
Tanner (no emotion): Eepah.
Natalie: No eepah!
Tanner: Yes.
Natalie (outraged): NO!!
Whatever an eepah is, Natalie does not want to be one. Tanner speaks his own special language most of the time. But he has made an effort to learn the phrases that are most important to him. Most of them involve requesting food.


Okie said...

great pix.

I'm laughing at the eepah. That's hilarious.

Weavers said...

That's soo funny!! I love those two. Nothing like two tiny little kids fighting in their own made up language.

Roseann said...

I love your new pictures at the top of your blog! Maybe I've already said that in a previous comment, but I figured I would say it just in case I hadn't.

wende said...

we need to get together, i haven't seen you guys in forever! and look how grown up your kids have gotten! so cute. i'm with nat, i wouldn't want to be an eepah either.