I'm not talking about your center of balance on the Wii Fit. I've been listening to several conference talks about intensity, passion, and being balanced. It seems this all fit into having good common sense and an image of the big picture you're working towards.
I've been thinking about what I spend the most time pondering, and where my thought process should revolve around. I was looking for advice on how to remain balanced yet have intensity about the things that matter most. How do you keep balanced? Do you feel you are intense? My weekly regimen has been thrown off by some crazy work hours, so now you know what brought this up. How do you stay consistent in your goals?
2 days ago
That's a good set of questions and a constant struggle.
The biggest thing, I think, is to make those important things/goals/etc in your life a "habit" such that doing them is perfectly natural and taking time away from them seems out of the ordinary. Granted, it's hard to create new habits while deeply entrenched in older habits and while trying to survive the whirlwind of life.
The other risk in making a well intended goal a "habit" is that it may become too automatic and lose some of the sincerity and depth that makes it good.
For me, I've got a few new "habits" I want to create this year. I'm pretty close to habitual on one of them, but I've fallen off the wagon a few times on some of the others. Having my goals written down helps me stay accountable and helps me remember day to day what my priorities are.
The trick is to find a system that works for you and then just continually push yourself each day. Start out each day reviewing your goals and priorities. End each day by taking an honest inventory of how you did with each. If you continually disappoint yourself or fall short on your goals, then you'll either become more diligent or you'll set new goals. ;)
I think the FranklinCovey koolaid has finally gone to Okie's brain ;)
Okie, you should branch out into seminars. There is a lot of money in em. I think we both know some people that could help you get started.
I know Rick owes you a favor.
Don't forget your friends when you make it big ;)
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