Friday, September 25, 2009


I've found myself making a few comments lately that might suggest that I wish I had had my children one at a time instead of getting my set of twins. In anticipation of our next baby I keep saying things like "it better just be one in there" and stuff like that. So just to set the record straight I am SO happy we were blessed with our twins, Tanner and Natalie. Yes, two babies are more challenging than one baby and the same goes for two 2-year-olds and so on. But it's so worth it and I wouldn't have it any other way even if I could. I like to remind myself that there are people out there with sets of 3, 4, 5, or 6 kids, which would be WAY harder. I'm writing this now while my kids are playing all cute together. Later on today they will probably fight over toys, throw their lunch all over the floor, and refuse to take their naps. And then, I might be feeling a little less grateful for them. The majority of the time they are just plain good kids though. For the most part, they have learned how to share and take turns because they had to do that from day one. They make up funny games to play together. As soon as one gets hurt the other one is usually right there checking to see if they're okay. Sometimes Tanner will jabber on in his own little made-up language and Natalie will listen and nod in agreement like she totally understands him. And whenever Josh asks "who loves mama?" I always get a chorus of "ME!" with hands in the air. So I'm going to try to do better about complaining less and remembering that I would way rather have these kids, with all the messes, and timeouts, and crying that comes with them, than not have them at all.


Stacy Holmes said...

No need to apologize for venting sometimes! Two must be tough..we understand..really we do. Of course you wouldn't trade them for anything..but there is no harm in admitting it is hard. I love an honest person :)

Roseann said...

I haven't heard anything before now about it, but it kind of sounded to me like you are expecting right now. Did I miss something here? Anyway, I think when we are young girls we dream of having twins, until we are Moms and know how crazy just one baby is. But as a Mom we wouldn't trade our kids for anything, no matter the challenges that come.

Lindsey said...

Girl, are you preggers again? Woo Hoo! Congrats!