Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Chocolate or Ice Cream?

Today I took Sydney to my hairdresser for her first "real" haircut. I've given her many trims before to keep her hair healthy and even but it kept getting in her eyes so I decided to let a professional take over. I really talked it up the day before so she wouldn't be worried about a stranger coming at her with scissors. It was a pretty fun experience. My daughter has quite a healthy ego. She can be pretty entertained just by admiring herself in the mirror. She absolutely loves shoe shopping and buying dresses. The idea that a haircut would make her prettier was all she needed to cooperate. She sat perfectly still the whole time staring into the mirror, totally all business. She only glanced at me a couple times just to flash me her beauty pageant smile.
Later in the day I decided she was overdue for a nap. I got her into her room and I was very excited that she might actually take a nap while the twins slept. I thought I might get a nap too! I always read her a story before she goes to bed. Her two favorite stories right now are "Curious George and the Chocolate Factory" and "Curious George and the Ice Cream Shop". As Sydney laid down in her bed I asked her "Do you want chocolate or ice cream?" She sat right up and said "I want ice cream!" I suppose I should have asked her "What book do you want me to read?" instead. She didn't talk me into giving her any ice cream and I didn't talk her into taking a nap after that.

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