Thursday, February 21, 2008

My sweet hubby

Okay I'm finally blogging again. Thanks for the tag Roseann!

1. What's his name: Joshua
2. How long have you been married: 5 years
3. How long did you date: About 6 weeks if you count the "unofficial" dates.
4. How old is he: 27
5. Who eats more: It depends on what and when we're eating. Usually, he eats more at meal time and I do a lot of snacking throughout the day.
6. Who said "I love you" first: It was me but Josh can't seem to remember that. He thinks it must have been him because he's a little more romantic than I am.
7. Who is taller: Him. And he seems to think I'm short because of it. I'm a good average 5'5".
8. Who sings better: Eeehh...probably me just a little bit.
9. Who is smarter: I would say Josh. He speaks this whole language with lots of acronyms that I don't understand at all.
10. Whose temper is worse: I don't really think I have much of a temper, but Josh definitely has more patience than I do.
11. Who does the laundry: Mostly me, but Josh helps with it quite a bit. Especially when he can see its about to take over the house.
12. Who does the dishes: We share this one pretty well too. Josh is always willing to do them after dinner if he has time, but sometimes I prefer to do the dishes and let him spend some time with the kids. I can be a little picky about the cleanliness of my kitchen. Josh helps unload the dishwasher a lot which is one of my least favorite chores. And he can reach the dish cupboard with the dishwasher open and I can't. I guess his tallness has its benefits.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Facing the bed, he would be on the right side. I have a weird thing about needing to face out from the bed and also be facing the door.
14. Who pays the bills: Josh makes the money and I manage it. Most of our bills are on auto pay so there's really not too much to do there.
15. Who mows the lawn: Josh takes care of that one.
16. Who cooks dinner: I do. I seem to remember a nearly empty refrigerator in his apartment back when he were dating.
17. Who drives when you are together: Usually him.
18. Who is more stubborn: Probably me. But once again it really depends on how important something is to each of us.
19. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong: Josh is much better about this one. I really don't like being wrong. Josh seems to like it quite a lot. Just kidding!
20. Whose parents do you visit the most: We live closer to my parents and so we see them more. It's a little more even now that Josh's parents are back in the country again!
21. Who proposed: Josh did. We'd already talked about getting married and shopped for the ring though. So he didn't have to wonder if I was going to say yes!
22. Who has more friends: We've never counted. Josh makes friends faster I think but I would say most of our friends now our friends to both of us.
23. Who has more siblings: He does. He has 6 siblings and I have 5.
24. Who wears the pants in the family: We don't make any big decisions without consulting each other so we really share that one. Josh wears pants most though because some days I wear skirts.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a a fun "tag" since you get to see a little inside each couple. You two are great!!

Anonymous said...

this was so cute! i love that you wear skirts sometimes! and you are both smart, just each in your own way. and hey, my husband speaks that acronym language too! what's up with that?! we married nerds!

Anonymous said...

You still manage to blog a lot more than I do! What a fun way to learn more about you guys. Some of your answers just crack me Josh liking to be wrong all the time...ha! We really need to get together again. It's been way too long!