Monday night was the big American Idol concert at the E Center. It was awesome! I didn't get great pictures so it was obviously much cooler to be there than it actually looks. I went with my parents, Rich, Rachel, Adam, and his friend Ellen. Here's a picture of all of them singing at the end looking very tiny.

We had really great seats on the front row of the side. They would have been just slightly better if the lady next to me didn't keep moving right in front of me blocking my view. Ggrrr. So during the second half I moved back a row and could see just great.
It was interesting how much better the last singers were compared the the first ones who were cut from the show earlier on and didn't get as much stage practice. Here's my personal judging of how the concert went. I could totally be the next idol judge.
Chikezie and Ramiele were both sharp and I couldn't understand their words a lot.
Michael Johns was awesome and honestly I don't know why he was voted off the show so early.
Kristy Lee Cook was great on "God bless the USA" which gives me goosebumps no matter who's singing it.
Carly Smithson was at the top of her game. Incredibly strong voice. Here's a picture of her.

Brooke White was amazing and great with the crowd. She and Carly were the best amongst the girls in my opinion.
Jason Castro sounded great and looked goofy as usual.
Syesha was very strong. She sounded a bit like she was yelling at times though and she dressed a little slutty.
David Archuletta was phenomenal and brought more than a few people to tears I think with one of his songs. It was little difficult to hear him well though because people were screaming their heads off. Here's a pic of him.

David Cook was also incredible of course and had a great stage presence.
We were all literally deaf at the end of the concert. I don't think I've ever lost my hearing quite so much before. That can't be healthy. But it sure was fun!