Monday, May 18, 2009

My babies are 2!

It's official. Our babies are no longer babies. They are officially toddlers. Their birthday landed on a Sunday this year so we decided to do most of the celebrating on Saturday in order to have more playtime with the presents. Here are some pictures of the fun weekend. My parents came over to play on Saturday for a bit and Josh's parents came over on Sunday. I didn't get any pictures with Josh's parents since my camera battery died. I got video but I'm not technical enough to figure out how to put that on here. The video is cute though. They got a jump-o-lene and have been using it well.

The kids are enjoying their pizza on the new picnic table.

Natalie is feeling oh so pretty in the pink tu-tu that Grandma Ruben gave her. She's worn it every day since.

I'm glad the kids got to unwrap something. I was too lazy to wrap their presents this year since they were in fairly large boxes and they don't really care that much at this age anyways. Tanner is playing with some cool lego-like toys. They're fun. I made this awesome back scratcher out of them.

Now for a little about my cuties. Tanner first. Tanner is such a character and I'm so glad to have a little boy in the mix around here. I think he's actually a lot like me. He doesn't mind doing his own thing on his own and he gets very focused on whatever he's working on. He lately really likes puzzles and lego building and every once in a while he'll stop what he's doing to come over and give me a quick hug or just make sure I'm still around. He's very independent and has learned how to get what he needs. What he needs is usually food so he's learned how to open the doors that have those child-proof handles on them and get into the pantry. Everything in the lower two shelves in there and anything on the counter is no longer safe. He's a very good sharer. If he has an extra binky or snack he will usually give it to one of his sisters. However, if his snack runs out he will also try to share somebody elses with himself. It's very fun to watch how he thinks.

Natalie is kind of our "class clown" in the family. She loves to make us all laugh. She also loves to copy everything her older sister does, right down to the facial expressions. I told Sydney to get dressed today and she gave me a pouty face and folded her arms subbornly. Natalie walked over and stood right next to her, made the same pouty face and folder her arms. She is also very girly. She loves to dress herself in jewelry and hates and carry around purses all day. AND she likes getting her hair done and will sit very still for me. Yay! She also loves to dance to anything - church hymns, the vacuum, the blender. I held her one night while she was sick and watched American Idol and even then her little back would start twitching as she tried to dance to the music. All in all I am so grateful to have these little people in our family! Even though twins can be very challenging sometimes I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't imagine what it would be like to have one of them without the other.


Amber said...

I can't believe they are already 2! Time goes by so fast!!
You have such cute kids, and how fun to have a picnic table and a jump-o-line. What a party. Have a great week!

Okie said...

Very cute. Happy birthday to them. Very fun.

Debra said...

Happy birthday, cuties~~~

I guess that means that I have been in nursery about a year and a half??? Time flies. Crazy