For those of you who know Brooke or follow her blog then you know I'm totally copying her. But I'm so excited about the money I'm saving on groceries lately! My good friend, Andrea, invited me to a GrocerySmarts class a few weeks ago and it was awesome. I've seriously been telling everyone I know about it ever since. I've been bulking up our food storage over the last couple weeks and saving tons of money doing it. Today I made a trip to Albertsons and look what I got.
That's 3 Marie Calendar frozen dinners, 3 bottles of salad dressing, 2 bottles of mustard, 2 packages of hot dogs, and 1 can of shaving cream. My grand total? $3.33. The regular price total would have been $37.55. That's a savings of 91%. I'm kind of addicted to this now. Honestly, I get this little high when I watch the cashier scan my coupons and the total of my groceries just keeps dropping. It's so much fun!
Anyways, my sister Rachel and I asked Brooke to teach another GrocerySmarts class for us on Saturday, May 30th at 1:00 at my parent's home in Murray. Anyone who would like to come learn how to save some money is welcome! The class is free. Just comment me with your email and I'll get you the address.
2 days ago
$3.33!?!?!?!?!? That's hilarious! I don't think I've ever been into any store (not even a dollar store) without spending more than that. Nice job. BUMMER the class is while we're gone. Guess I'll just keep spending 91% more dollars than you all the time.
That cracks me up. Just tonight I was at Walmart and in line there was this chick with a cart full of groceries and fifty ads and coupons and she had four or five people (including me) in line behind her, all of us with full carts. ANNOYING!!! I wanted to give her money just to get the line going. I love to save money and am definitely a bargain shopper, but that is one place I don't really do it. How do you find time to cut all those coupons???
It took me a while the first time to organize my shopping trip but I've gotten much faster since then. It just takes some practice. The grocerysmarts website does most of the work. But still my first time it took me a couple hours to figure things out and I saved $80 so it was still worth my time. And I don't do price matching for other stores. I just use coupons and the store sales for the store I'm at. I don't want to be one of those annoying people that holds up a line either. It doesn't take a cashier very long to just scan coupons.
I have been wanting to get started doing that. I try to shop sales, and use coupons, but I'm not very diligent at it. I should be there next Saturday. I actually have a baby shower around the corner (literally - on 725 E) from your parents in Murray from 11-1 - so it works perfect for me!
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