Thursday, November 29, 2007


Since October 8th I've been writing in a personal journal. I have an Outlook reminder each morning to remind me (it's been two months and I still need it). I added it up, I'm 34/53 days, but considering before this, I wrote 8 days in my life, it's definitely an increase. I'm up to 14 pages. I was surprised how much I had forgotten things that happened just a week ago, much less a month and a half ago.

Here are a few highlights from the past two months (in order of occurance):

1. Sharing the Book of Mormon with a good friend.

2. My new telescope. ('s cold outside)

3. Hero week on this blog.

4. Getting donuts from Macey's with Sydney, who loves the car carts.

5. Thanksgiving Point with Mo, and standing in line for 45 minutes for a pretty weak train.

6. TV and cable modem go POOF.

7. Personal revelation.

8. Halloween excitement.

9. Friends lunches.

10. Microsoft interviews.

11. Star gazing with Sydney.

12. Macaroni Grill and Bourne Ultimatum with Lisa.

13. Rachel's pregnant!

14. My parents came home from their mission!

15. Jazz game with Matt.How many things can you remember from the past two months?

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