Friday, November 2, 2007

Picture Day - Take 2!

Sorry for those of you who are tired of looking at pictures of my kids! However, this is my blog and I can write what I want. I was somewhat irritated with my lack of pictures from kiddie kandids last week. 5 pictures just didn't cut it. I have more frames to fill than that! So I decided to try a few techniques I learned from watching Wende take pictures of our twin a few months ago. I snapped these with my little point and shoot camera in our living room a couple days ago. Yes, they are on a sheet from our bed. I think they turned out pretty good all things considered. I have yet to get a good one of all three of them, but I will not give up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cudos to the photographer! I think you did a great job. I have never gone to a professional photographer and I probably never will with what everyone can do with their own cameras! You're kids are adorable. I still can't get over how much Sydney looks like you.