Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hero Week Day 2: Tanner

It all started with the smile. Tanner is the cutest, sweetest, gentlest little boy I'll ever meet. Sure he has his days, but here's why Tanner takes the cake (oh he'd eat it if it were literal...):


Tanner brings such happiness to our family. Yesterday I was stopping to think what about him makes him so special. Frequently with daredevil sisters, his most common phrase is "ssss ok?", wanting to make sure whoever is hurt is ok. Despite the need of the twins to say "mine" lately, he is often found looking for puppy (Natalie's lovey) so he can give a peace offering to his sister. Anytime we go to the park, etc. he's always coming over every fifteen minutes or so to give me a hug, then runs back to play.

Quick to forgive:

Tanner always shows me how important it is to forgive and forget. No matter what wrong has been done (stolen toy, pushed over, etc.) as soon as the wrong is righted, he's back to happy ol' Tanner. I don't know how he does it.

Unforgettable laugh:
Tanner has this laugh that you just want to tickle him to death to hear, because you can't stop smiling or laughing yourself. Yesterday we were playing steamrollers and he get so excited to spend one on one time that he just bursts with energy and laughter. I wonder if he realizes how infectious his mood is. A few minutes with Tanner can right any wrong. Any time I ask who loves Mama, he's first to thrust his hand in the air and yell "meeeeeeeeeee!"

Instead of getting older, I hope someday to be younger so I can act like Tanner. Caring, easy going, loving, and fun.

Love you buddy! Thanks for your example.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Okie said...

Awwwww. :)

wende said...

josh, you rock. i need to start hero week around here. when you start to think about it, there are so many people i admire and never tell them. why not? what a cool idea.

Josh Moore said...

Wende - you totally should. I find calling out your heroes makes me more thankful, notice more what other people do, and have a better attitude about serving others. I've been looking over my past heroes and I see what I wanted in my life at that time and what I've done to try to emulate them. Nothing but good things come from this. I start thinking about what I need in my life and a name comes to mind of what they've done for me, etc. It comes easy.