Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Fun

Fall is my favorite season for so many reasons. There are just so many fun things to do! Our beautiful little pumpkin patch has allowed us all to explore our artistic sides a little bit. I didn't take many pictures of the pumpkin painting because I was too busy painting them. It was funny though because every time Josh or I would paint a pumpkin, Sydney would try to duplicate our masterpieces on her own pumpkins. We've been trying to decide if we want to do more pumpkins next year's garden or use the space for something more edible. Tough decision.

Last week we headed down to Thanksgiving Point for the Scarecrow Festival. We had so much fun doing this last year. It was a bit colder this year but we still had tons of fun. For those who haven't been there, they have about 20 bouncy houses and slides, carnival games, face painting, and pony and train rides. Tanner and Natalie loved going down the slide with Josh and I. It is incredibly difficult to carry a small toddler up those things! I can't believe how many times Josh did it.


The Reading Armadillo said...

Your pumpkins are adorable! How creative.

wende said...

oh i love fall! the pumpkins are so fun, and i agree that it's a little bit of a dilema on what to grow next year.

we've never done the scarecrow festival, maybe next year we'll have to make it a family affair?

Stacy Holmes said...

I am amazed that you are brave enough to have paint around! Every time I get it out, I remember why I don't get it out..The kids destroy everything! So, thanks for last Sunday-I really appreciate your bravery! Stacy