Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I am interrupting hero week to post about the awesomeness of our garden. I was so worried when we planted everything that nothing would grow and I would be sure that I was a cursed gardener. Everything grew! Our potatoes turned out a little small, most of the green beans and strawberries didn't make it but everything else was great. We got lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, onions, carrots, peas, and pumpkins. For fun, I counted the tomatoes which have totaled 160 so far, and the pumpkins totaling 75. Most of the tomatoes have become salsa, contributing nicely to our food storage.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so impressed! You surely didn't get your green thumb from your mother! Your tomatoes must not have been hit by that hail storm on Labor Day, they look so pretty.

wende said...

holy smokes! i could never do this - i can barely manage mowing the lawn! great job, everything looks beautiful!