Wow, where did the time go? And why do I have so few pictures of all the stuff we did this month? Oh well, we did a bunch of fun stuff and I can't really remember it all right now because I basically have no short-term memory when I'm pregnant. Really wish I'd taken more pictures for that reason! Oh thing we did do was go see the lights at temple square. We haven't been in years and I just don't think it's the same without the malls right across the street. We used to always go see the lights and then go inside the mall to warm up and get a treat. Now there are not many places to go inside and get warm and no where to get a treat. But it was still lots of fun! Very quick visit though since the kids were freezing. Apparently I didn't bundle them up enough.

Josh and I went to the Kurt Bestor Christmas concert for our anniversary. It was so good! We also went several parties and the kids met with a couple of Santas. I think that confused Sydney a bit. She must have noticed they didn't look or sound quite the same. She asked me if they were the real Santa Claus's. So I told her no they're not really Santa, but they are happy, jolly and gave you a present just to be nice so that's really what Santa is all about anyways. We think she might become a non-believer pretty early. That would be fine with us. We're not really big on the Santa thing and try not to focus on it much anyways.
So Christmas Eve finally rolled around. Do everyone else's kids go a little crazy the few days before Christmas? Ours sure do! The anticipation of Christmas was making for some emotional children. I didn't really think about it being caused by Christmas until it was over and everyone has been much happier ever since.
So Christmas Eve finally rolled around. Do everyone else's kids go a little crazy the few days before Christmas? Ours sure do! The anticipation of Christmas was making for some emotional children. I didn't really think about it being caused by Christmas until it was over and everyone has been much happier ever since.